Our Services
Life Cover
This aspect of your financial planning is about your family’s financial security. Anything you can do to make sure that no matter what happens, your as well as your family’s lives will continue in the same manner you are accustomed to.
Disability Cover
This will cover you if you lose your ability to earn an income because of an accident or illness. We usually divide this into two main sections of cover.
Severe Illness
Severe illness is cover for extra medical expenses you might incur if you are diagnosed with one of the severe illnesses covered by the company you are insured with.
Medical Aid
It is of critical importance to make sure you are adequately covered for any medical expenses your family might have.
Gap Cover
This is an insurance product added to your medical aid. All schemes have their standard rates that they are willing to pay to service providers for their services. Unfortunately, some service providers could charge up to 500% of the rate the medical aid is willing to pay.
Short-Term Insurance
Short-term insurance is a very broad area of insurance that covers anything to do with your stuff. All the above benefits focus on you and your family, this focuses on the things you own. Your house, your furniture, your car etc.
Will and Estate planning
It is so important to make sure your will is drafted correctly, in detail, and legally, to make sure that all you worked for your whole life, ends up where it belongs. It is also crucial to make sure you have added liquidity in your estate to make provision for any liabilities as well estate costs.
Saving Before Retirement
It doesn’t matter if you want to save money so you can receive tax benefits or you are looking for something more flexible that will give you a tax-free lump sum payout, our advisers will create the ideal savings and investment plan that suits your needs.
Investing After Retirement
You need the help and advice of someone you can trust, to guide you through the myriad of choices when it comes to income generating investments. Your adviser will work with you to create a personalised, sustainable, investment plan, taking into consideration all your investments.
Saving For Specific Needs
There are numerous other reasons you might want to put money aside for future goals. You might want to plan for your children’s education, a future holiday or to buy your dream home.
Retirement Risk Provider
Most of us started planning for our retirement from a zero base. Just imagine how much easier it would have been to achieve your retirement goal if your parents gave you an asset of R5 000 000 you could use for your retirement! Well at RRH we created a unique strategy that allows you to give your children that advantage in life.
Financial Coaching
Unfortunately, even when saving as much as you can for your retirement, there are still limitations to what you can expect to achieve. The statistics show that 96% of people who retire cannot maintain their standard of living within 5 years after retiring. To address this issue our sister company iRetire Enterprises created a 5-step program you can follow to reach financial retirement in 10 years.